We are proud to be one of the few Surrey Infant Schools to have a heated outdoor swimming pool. The children use it in the summer term as part of the curriculum, where a qualified swimming instructor gives lessons, and it is also open to the public after school, at weekends and in the holidays.
It is ideal for families, babies, toddlers and young children. It is 12 by 4.5 metres and ranges in depth from .75 to 1.3 metres making it an ideal size for children to gain confidence.
We welcome children and families from the local area. It is an ideal place to meet other parents and children in a pleasant environment.
February 2024
Newdigate Swimming Pool
Here at Newdigate School we have, for many years, worked hard to keep the pool open and accessible to our families and community members providing opportunities to learn to swim and have fun, but we feel it is time to take stock before we make any future plans. We do not receive any funding for the pool and rely on revenue from the rental to keep it going.
Last year the pool just about broke even and we have relied upon the commitment and hard work of Carole Chaplin and a small group of FONS members to maintain the pool. Carole will be stepping away from the pool this year and we will need a new plan! (She has been a passionate advocate for the pool for such a long time and we want to take this opportunity to say a massive thank you to her for her hard work and determination.)
We also have to consider a number of other issues related to increasing energy costs, reduced usage, difficulty finding volunteers and issues of overall wear and tear that will need addressing.
We are reaching out to you to find out how important the pool is to you! Now is your chance to tell us what you think and what you can offer.
Below are the links to a short on-line questionnaire for anybody connected to the school or pool to complete. Please help us by taking the time to fill it in.