Welcome to Year 1, Foxes Class
Our Year 1 Team:
Miss Langthorne - Class Teacher Monday, Tuesday , Wednesday am
Mrs Rook - Class Teacher Wednesday pm, Thursday and Friday
Mrs Laker - Teaching Assistant
Mrs Wood - Teaching Assistant
In Year 1, the children start to become independent learners, applying their knowledge that they have learnt in Reception. The children continue to actively learn, for example in maths we use numicon to investigate different ways of making 10; in Science, for example, we investigate different combinations of ingredients to make a volcano erupt with lava; and the skills, including reflection and synthesising involved in RE are often taught through drama.
Phonics Screening Test
We continue to teach phonics, reading and spelling using Read Write Inc.
In June, Year 1 children across the country undertake a phonics assessment set by the Department for Education. This is to assess their application of the phonic sounds they have learnt over the last two years. Each child has to read 40 words that are a mixture of 'non-words' - 'alien' words- as well as real words, testing children's ability to blend sounds.
At the bottom of this page you can download a past assessment which will show you the types of words your child will be reading. To pass the phonic test they need to accurately read 32 of the words out of the 40 words. We invite parents in for a meeting so that they can be shown how to support their children.
How can you help support your child?
The most important thing that parents and carers can do at home to support their child's learning is regular reading followed by discussion about the book. Parents should hear their child read at least 4 times a week. In addition, parents should read the high quality book to their child that is sent home. Alongside this, to help to confidently pass their Phonic Screening test in the summer, parents should practise the small A6 laminated phoneme (cards), recognising the phoneme and reading the alien and real words on the back of each card.
The children also receive Home learning which includes a Literacy activity and a Numeracy activity. Website links to motivational fun learning games are sometimes included. The children also receive personalised spellings at the beginning of each half term.
You may find the following links and downloads helpful