Events in school

Wisley Trip – Year 2

Our year 2’s travelled to Wisley Gardens where they spent the day planting seeds, looking at the different parts and varieties of plants and enjoying the grounds of Wisley.  This

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Easter Bonnet Celebrations

Newdigate school was awash with decorative Easter Bonnets on the last day of term, with an array of colours and designs. The children participated in the annual parade in school

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“Skip Hop”

Yesterday the whole school enjoyed an invigorating day of skipping with Lee from “Skip Hop”.  We held a presentation assembly at the end of the day with children from reception

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Arctic Expedition

As part of “The Big Freeze’ topic – the children took part in an Arctic expedition at the end of last week.  Building igloos, cooking healthy vegetable soup and performing

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Science Week

This week sees the start of British Science Week, which focuses on the theme of ‘Change’ this year.  Mrs Denyssen, our Science Leader has worked with the staff to organise

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World Book Day

The children and teachers alike celebrated World Book Day with great enthusiasm last week.  Imaginative and colourful costumes representing favourite characters walked the corridors, with a visit from Miss Trunchbull!

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Safer Internet Day ~ 2017

The Children have been partaking in short activities throughout the week to learn about on-line safety in connection with “Safer Internet Day” Attached is a copy of the information that

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Parent Drop in Session – “Sleep Soundly”

Following this mornings drop in session – “Sleep Soundly”, please find  some useful websites and information attached. Sleep Problems in Children pdf the sleep council_the_good_night_guide_for_children    

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Author Visit

We all thoroughly enjoyed our author visit to the school last week as part of the Reading Zone festival. Rob Biddulph captured the childrens imagination as he read from his

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“Fun in the Big Freeze”

Fun on the “frosty field”! The children enjoyed Jack Frost’s contribution to this terms topic,  following his visit this morning. They wrapped up warm and were outside having fun.

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In God's hands we learn and grow


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