10 events found.
Break up for Half Term
Break up for Half Term - finish at normal time (3.10pm)
“Feeling Good Week”
This week is "Feeling Good Week - Wonderful Me" in Surrey and the children will be talking about emotions and feelings. Further information can be found via the following link. https://www.healthysurrey.org.uk/your-health/mental-wellbeing/camhs/feeling-good-week/
Full Governing Body Meeting
Time to be confirmed
Welcome meeting for new parents of September intake – 7.30pm
Taking place at 7.30pm in the school hallĀ (opportunity to purchase school uniform for new starters)
Mufti Day – Donation to May Queen Tombola
Mufti Day - please bring in a donation for the May Queen Tombola ( any bottle)
May Queen & Rectory Fete
May Queen - at 11.15am for a 11.30am start Rectory Fete to follow on the School Field
Cat’s Grin Theatre Company
Cat's Grin theatre company - performance to Year 1 and Year 2 followed by a workshop for Year 2