10 events found.
Christmas Hoops
Hoops are sent home for decorating in the Christmas theme. These are then returned to school for display in the hall.
Christmas hoops up in the hall
Please ensure all decorated hoops are returned to school so that these can be displayed in the hall.
Christmas Jumper Day – Donations to Save the Children
Christmas Jumper Day - Wear your Christmas themed jumper along with your school uniform. (Recommended donation of £2.00 for Save the Children charity. )
School Christmas Lunch
School Christmas lunch will be served on Thursday 7th December.
Dress Rehearsal for the Christmas performance
Please ensure that all costumes / clothing is in school ( in a named bag) by Thursday 7th December.
Christmas Performance
10am in the school hall
Christmas Performance
10am in the School Hall
School Christingle Family service
St Peters Church - 6pm Everyone welcome
Break up for Christmas
Early finish at 1.15pm