Open Morning for Prospective New Parents
From 9.30am - 11.00am
Meet the teachers / Parents Evening
From 5.30- 8.00pm Sign up sheets will be in the school office nearer the time. A parentmail will be sent to advise when these are available.
Hoops to be sent home
Hoops for decorating will be sent home on the 22nd November Further information to follow.
Hoops Up in the Hall
Please bring in your decorated hoops for display in the school hall - Further information regarding this will be sent out in our Christmas Activies letter.
Costumes – Christmas Play
Costumes for the Christmas play to be in school by today Friday 6th December
Book Fair
The book fair will be in school from the 9th December until 12th December. You will be able to view and make purchases from 3.00pm - 3.45pm each day and
Christmas Performance
Christmas Performance at 10am in the school hall
Christmas Performance
Christmas performance at 10am in the school hall
Christmas Jumper Day
Children are able to wear their Christmas Jumper for a donation to Save the Children
School Christingle Family Service
St Peters Church, Newdigate @ 6pm Everyone Welcome