Welly Wednesday – Week 2
Please remember to come in clothes for outdoor wear (School Jumper) joggers / leggings / jeans and wellies and waterproofs if you have them. You will need to have your school shoes to wear indoors and at playtime.
World Book Day
Children to dress as their favourite book character
Welly Wednesday – Week 3
Welly Wednesday - Week 3 Please remember to come to school in your outdoor clothes - School jumper / joggers / leggings / jeans, wellies and waterproofs if you have them. You will need school shoes for indoors and playtimes.
Phonics Workshop – Year 1 Parents
Phonics workshop for Year 1 Parents will be taking place at 9am in the Badgers Den. Please come along
Mothers Day Tea Party – Year R
Mothers Day Tea Party for Reception children To be held in the school hall Invites to follow.
SATS talk for Year 2 parents – POSTPONED
POSTPONED - To now take place Monday 19th March @ 2.30pm
Welly Wednesday – Week 4
Welly Wednesday - Week 4 Please remember to come in clothes for outdoor wear (school jumper) joggers, leggings, jeans and wellies and waterproofs if you have them. You will need to bring in school shoes to wear indoors and at playtimes.
Parents Consultation – (Late Evening)
Parents Consultation - Late evening - 5.30 - 7.oopm
Year 2 SATS Talk
Year 2 SATS talk Monday 19th March @2.30pm To be held in "The Badgers Den"
Welly Wednesday – Week 5
Please remember to come in clothes for outdoor wear (school jumper) joggers / leggings / jeans and wellies and waterproofs if you have them. You will also need to bring in your school shoes to wear indoors and at playtimes.