FONS Children’s Disco
Children's Disco - After school (3.10pm - 4.00pm Pre-school & Year R) (4.15pm - 5.15pm Year 1 & Year 2)
FONS – Splash Fund “Pool and BBQ Party”
Late Summer Social event being held on Saturday 17th September, from 3pm on the School Field Bouncy Castle and assault course Bring Swimming things and a picnic basket Soft drinks bar (Bring your own alcohol) Tickets £5 per person (preschoolers go free)
School HallFONS AGM will take place in the School Hall from 8pm All Welcome!
Mufti Day – Re: School Christmas Fayre
The children can come to school in their own clothes in return for a bottle for the FONS bottle tombola at the Christmas Fayre.
Christmas Fair
"Save the Date" - Timings TBC
(FONS) Magic show
FONS Magic show - after school at 3.10pm Further information from FONS to follow
Bag 2 School
All bag 2 school bags to be left at the bottom school gate at drop off on Wednesday 22nd March.
FONS Nearly New Sale – Newdigate Village Hall
To be held in Newdigate Village Hall
Mufti Day – for a donation to the May Queen Bottle Tombola
Please bring your donations into school for the May Queen Bottle Tombola
FONS – Summer Social
Details to follow