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School Christingle Family Service
St Peters Church 6pm - All Welcome
Out & About morning
Come along and lend a hand at our Out and About morning from 10am -12.00 We will be working on the pond area - please bring wellies or waders!
May Queen
May Queen - (arrive at 11.15 for an 11.30am start) & Rectory Fete (TBC)
Open Day visits
Open Day visits - tours by appointment only
Open Day Visits
Open Day visits - tours by appointment only
Open Day visits
Open Day visits - tours by appointment only
Childrens Mental Health Week
Children’s Mental Health Week is taking place on 1-7 February 2021.This year's theme is Express Yourself. Please see the link below for further information https://www.childrensmentalhealthweek.org.uk/
Out and About morning
Out and about morning Working party - please see Newsletter for details. 10- 12 noon.
Christmas Fair
FONSAP - 12 - 3pm at School