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Sports morning

This morning, Year 2 children took part in an Athletics festival held at the Priory School. They were able to have a go at a number of different activities with

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Fantastic Fred

Last week we were lucky enough to have a visit from an NHS funded ‘Fantastic FRED’ show. ‘The Fantastic FRED Experience is a FREE live performance-led mental health resource for

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Hello Yellow

# HELLO YELLOW The children participated in Young Minds “Hello Yellow Day”.  We looked at the five ways to improve our well-being.  The day started with an assembly where we

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May Queen – 2022

What a joy it was to once again watch the children of Newdigate School process so graciously onto our playground and take part in the dancing with such enthusiasm and

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Sports Day 2022

Perfect weather, great atmosphere, enthusiastic children and supportive parents. What more could we ask for on our annual Sports Day? We all had great fun and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. Well

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Queens Platinum Jubilee Celebrations

Queens Platinum Jubilee – Celebrations at  Newdigate Infant School To celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee we had a ‘street party’ in our woodland area with lots of delightful delicious food.

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Kids Critters visit

Visitors !! For our fantastic finale to our Rainforest topic today, Kids Critters came to visit us. With much excitement we learnt even more about rainforest animals, and compared them

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Special Visitor

There were lots of gasps of excitement during the visit from Paramedic Jon.  He explained how he helps people and asked us lots of questions about the equipment he uses. 

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Weald and Downland Museum

We recently had a visit from The Weald and Downland Museum which has helped us to learn more about our history topic, ‘Turrets and Tiaras’.  The children had a fabulous

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Easter Bonnet Parade


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