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Reception Class – Mothers Day Coffee morning.

Reception children welcomed in Mums and carers Friday morning for a special Mothers Day celebration enjoying tea and biscuits!  

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Holi’ie Celebrations – Reception Class

Reception HedgehogsWe have been learning about the Hindu story of Holi’ie and how it is celebrated.It is called the festival of colour. We acted it out and took part in

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World Book Day

World Book Day 2023, The children came in an array of characters from their favourite books to celebrate World Book Day on Thursday 2nd March.

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Reading Cafe

Newdigate Families joined us for a morning to share our love for books. The children read to the adults and the adults read to the children whilst enjoying some breakfast

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Wriggly Nativity

We performed the Wriggly Nativity.   The Nativity Story is such a special and exciting time for the children at Newdigate. We are celebrating the birth of Baby Jesus. It is

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Diwali Celebrations

Rianna came in to talk to us about the Hindu festival of  Diwali.  We made our own Diwali lights using clay, and for the candles we used ghee and cotton

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Reception children made a volcano and carried out their experiments to make it erupt – They have been learning phonics and the sound of V.         Volcano

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Year 1 – Looking at seasonal changes

In Foxes we have been looking at seasonal changes.  We went on a Nature walk looking for different things that show us that it is the season of Autumn.  We

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Remembrance Day

The children took part in an assembly for remembrance day this afternoon and Year 2 have been re-enacting different stages of the war, from being in the trenches during battle

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Reception Class

Below are some of the exciting things the children in Reception have been doing.  

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In God's hands we learn and grow


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