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Newsletter 11 ~ 25th May

Newsletter 11 ~ 25th May 2017

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PE – Fun in the sun

This weeks PE Lessons took place outside, making the most of the warm weather and the school field!  

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Out and About Day ~ 3

A huge thank you to all the volunteers who joined Mrs Martin in the ‘Out & About’ day on Saturday.  As always we had a very productive session and can

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Newsletter 10 ~ 12th May

Newsletter 10 ~ 11th May 2017

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Forest School

Reception were enjoying our wonderful outside areas around the school this morning, taking part in forest school, looking at the plant life, the insects and creatures and making wooden name

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Farm Visit ~ Reception

Reception spent an exciting morning at the Farm! To start the day off they made their own sandwich’s at school to have with the picnic lunch and the class then

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Wisley Trip – Year 2

Our year 2’s travelled to Wisley Gardens where they spent the day planting seeds, looking at the different parts and varieties of plants and enjoying the grounds of Wisley.  This

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Easter Bonnet Celebrations

Newdigate school was awash with decorative Easter Bonnets on the last day of term, with an array of colours and designs. The children participated in the annual parade in school

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“Skip Hop”

Yesterday the whole school enjoyed an invigorating day of skipping with Lee from “Skip Hop”.  We held a presentation assembly at the end of the day with children from reception

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Arctic Expedition

As part of “The Big Freeze’ topic – the children took part in an Arctic expedition at the end of last week.  Building igloos, cooking healthy vegetable soup and performing

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