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SATS Information

On Monday 19th March, Mrs Cleather delivered a KS1 SATS talk to the Year 2 parents.  This talk enabled parents to become more familiar with the testing format and overall

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World Book Day

What an amazing turnout by all.  Every year just gets better and we were thrilled to be part of the 21st year of celebration and enjoyment.  Thank you for your

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Welly Wednesday

Welly Wednesday What a great success!  Two sessions in and we are already feeling that the children are engaged and learning and loving it as much as we are. A

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Newsletter 5 ~ 9th February

Newsletter 5 9th February 2018

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Fitness = Learning!

Following on from our maths workshop, parents and children engaged in a 5 minute workout in the school hall.  This is something that the whole school regularly participates in, to

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Maths workshop provided by the children for the parents!

On Friday morning the children welcomed into school their parents to give them a maths lesson.  In Reception the children were investigating making 10 (number bonds of 10).  In Year

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To much excitement on arrival at school, we spotted many large dinosaur footprints.  On becoming Explorers we located 3 large eggs.  Each class now has the responsibility of looking after

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Newsletter 4 ~ 19th December

Newsletter 4 ~ 19th December 2017

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Newsletter 3 ~ 27th November 2017

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Farm visit

We had a fabulous visit from Millers Ark Animals today, where the children got to meet some of the animals including “Spot” the pig and the very friendly donkeys. Outdoor

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In God's hands we learn and grow


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