Welcome to our Covid Page. We hope you and your family find the following information and videos helpful. If you have to self-isolate, we will e-mail you a home learning pack; work that your child may be able to complete depending on your home circumstances.
Check if you or your child has coronavirus symptoms
CORONAVIRUS RISK ASSESSMENT Phase 5 September 2021 update
CORONAVIRUS RISK ASSESSMENT Phase 4 Newdigate March 2021
Home Learning Plan October 2020
Remote education provision-Q&A-Jan 21
CORONAVIRUS RISK ASSESSMENT Phase 3 Newdigate January 2020 v1
CORONAVIRUS RISK ASSESSMENT Phase 2 Newdigate September 2020
Return to school letter – September 2020
Newdigate School Safeguarding Arrangements COVID-19
Newdigate Safeguarding and child protection policy 2020